Thursday, November 12, 2020

6 Reasons You Still Aren’t Ranking: The Cold, Hard Truth

6 Reasons You Still Aren’t Ranking: The Cold, Hard Truth Spin Syntax news bites. Another video clip created by Neil Patel. Potentially one of the leading providers of free information  available. 6 Reasons You Still Aren’t Ranking. The Cold, Hard Truth. | When people tell me they’ve been doing SEO for six months and a year and they’re not getting results, the algorithms, sure they’ve changed. That doesn’t mean you can’t get more traffic. I’m getting more search traffic now with these harder algorithms than I was before, when the algorithms were easy. Today, I’m going to break down six reasons you’re still not ranking. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________ Ubersuggest – Google Analytics – Crazy Egg – ____________________________________________ Reason #1: You’re not doing well when it comes to your search rankings is you’re not consistent. Let me tell you a quick story. My old blog, I no longer own it, Quick Sprout, I used to publish an article every single week. One day, I was just like, I’m tired of blogging. I’m going to stop for a month. Not only did my traffic dip for 30%, it took me more than three months to recover that traffic. In other words, if you’re not consistent, you’re not going to continually do well. You need to keep creating more content, creating more tools, continue participating on the social web. So, if you continually do it, you can do well. Reason #2: You’re tactical and not strategic. Stop looking for the next trick or the next gimmick. Focus on the fundamentals, the core strategy. You can use Ubersuggest for this. You type in a keyword, it’ll show you all the other popular terms. It’ll even have a Content Ideas report that shows you what blog posts are popular and which ones aren’t. See which of them are competitive in your niche, which ones aren’t, right? In Ubersuggest, it shows you how hard these terms are to rank for and which ones aren’t, and it’ll even show you the content that you can write to rank for those non-competitive terms that still get good traffic. Then, you want to internal link your content together. That way, if one person reads one piece of content and it’s related to another piece of content you already wrote, it should be linked together. Whenever it’s relevant and best for the user, add the internal links. You see what’s working, you double down on it. You see what’s not working, you don’t double down on that. Reason #3: Your content is sucks. Once a month, look at your Google Analytics. Look at the pieces that are underperforming. Look at the dwell time, this is critical. Again, look at the Content Ideas report in Ubersuggest. Most people just use it to see what’s hot and they copy that. But what I would recommend is also looking at what’s not popular. You also want to use tools like Crazy Egg to see heat maps on your report. How are people interacting with your content? Where are they dropping off? Where do they scroll until? It’ll tell you in your writing where you suck. According to Moz, over 20% of the content that ranks is video-based content. Reason #4: You don’t do well is you don’t focus enough on building links. And when you build links, you’re building the wrong kind of links. Everyone’s focusing on quantity. It’s not about quantity, it’s not about building more backlinks to your competitors. There’s a site and this site’s called Penny Hoarder, and they have less links than a lot of their competitors, but yet, they do way better. Why, their content’s better in quality, their lead quality is way better, they’re focusing in getting links from the right sites. The Ubersuggest Backlinks report will show you this. Even if you email 100 people and you only get 10 links or five links, that’s okay. You do that once a week, you’ll pick up a lot of links. Reason #5: You’re choosing a space that is too competitive. Narrow down, pick a niche. Usually, if the cost-per-click data is higher, that means that the keyword’s more valuable. If it’s lower, it’s less valuable. Reason #: You’re thinking of keywords. You’re not thinking about readers or real people. When you do a Google search, what are you doing? You’re trying to find a solution to your problem. You just don’t type something into Google for the sake of it. You’re typing because you have a problem, and that’s the key. But, if you’re explaining to people what really makes sense, you’re helping them achieve their goals. That’s how you succeed. If you follow those tips, you’ll start ranking on Google. You don’t need all the time in the world. You just need to follow those tips. ► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ ►Subscribe: to learn more secret SEO tips. ►Find me on Facebook: ►On Instagram: #SEO #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing Originally posted here Neil Patel’s YouTube channel Hope you found that useful info that they shared. Let us have your feedback down below, share a short comment and let me know what topics you want us to cover in future posts. #// #ContentMarketing

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