Thursday, May 10, 2018

There's a Better Way to Manage Your Distribution Channels [Webinar]

Another article just published by Kapost. Probably one of the most effective providers of free information on the Internet.

Are you doing video? What about interactive graphics? Are you tailoring your content to every social platform? Creating immersive content experiences that blow your prospects’ minds?

In the Age of the Customer, it’s more important than ever that your content engages and delights the right people in the right way at every stage of their buyer’s journey. Perhaps more importantly, each asset and touchpoint must feel like the next logical step in a natural flow of information—a narrative that builds on itself to tell more of the story your audience members didn’t even realize they needed to hear.

Do this right and you’ve framed the conversation, leading customers to understand and approach their problems the same way you do. Do it wrong, and you’ve flooded the proverbial airwaves with a jumble of disjointed messaging—each individual piece might be great on its own, but all together, it’s a confusing mess.

How can you keep up with the increasingly high demands of potential customers while also staying true to the strategic narrative you’ve worked so hard to build?

The answer isn’t obvious.

That’s why I’ve called in the experts.

On Thursday, May 24, I’ll be sitting down for a live discussion with a group of marketing leaders from Uberflip, Vidyard, and Content4Demand to discuss what marketers can do to be customer-centric, create compelling customer journeys, empower their sales teams, and keep up with the ever-changing demands of the B2B marketing universe.

The best part? You’re invited.

The guests:

  • Tara Robertson, Director of Revenue Marketing, Uberflip
  • Dana Harder, Vice President, Strategy, Content4Deamnd
  • Tyler Lessard, VP of Marketing and Community, Vidyard

I hope you can join us!


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