Friday, November 13, 2020

Site Content That Promotes Social Media Sharing

Site Content That Promotes Social Media Sharing There are many worthy reasons for adding new site content to our blogs. But the main motivation, more often than not, is to attract new visitors and fresh traffic. Site Content for Social Media Sharing As it takes so much hard work to put new read-worthy content together, it makes sense to try and maximise the return on investment of all that valuable time. One great way of achieving this is to have your content shared by readers. However, getting your content shared on social media doesn’t happen by accident. You need to make sure that you understand what type of content gets shared and then make sure that you include that in your new posts. 3 sharesShare3Share +10Tweet0 Content Quality You need to be brutally honest and ask yourself are you producing content worth sharing? If you’re not adding something new and fresh to the discussion why should anybody recommend your content to others? Too many posts these days are just recycling and repackaging old content without adding value. Okay we all know there probably isn’t a fresh subject within a niche that hasn’t already been tackled, but rather than just reword what’s already been said try and add an original view or opinion of your own. It will be just such an insightful comment that would motivate somebody to click the share button. Make Social Sharing Easy It’s always a good practice to look at your site every now and then through the eyes of a new visitor. It’s so easy for us blog publishers to slap ourselves on the back for our cool designs and slick new amazing widgets. We forget to go back to the basics and check how easy our site is to use. How easy is it the new visitors to share the great content with others? How easy is it to navigate around the site and find related content? Every now and then take the time to consciously look at the site as a new visitor would and check how easy it is to use. If you can enlist the help of a friend or family-member so that you have the benefit of truly fresh eyes, then that is something I would strongly advise. Social Media Sharing Made Easy There are many options open to us, especially if you are using WordPress or another content management system, as to how we can add social sharing buttons to our site. You can place the buttons at the beginning of the post, at the end of the post, throughout the post, or the scrolling area in the sidebar or any combination of these options. As with most things to do with blogs and optimisation there is no golden rule or one way that works. You need to test these different options yourself and see which one gives you the best results. From experience I found that social sharing buttons shown at the beginning of the post are too early, readers don’t know yet if it’s worth sharing or not. Although they seem to be pretty popular at the moment, I’ve never been comfortable with the scrolling sidebar option as I haven’t found a package that will adapt to display on smaller screens correctly. On mobile and tablets often the buttons will obscure some of the content. So from testing I found that displaying a row of share buttons within the text of longer posts and at the end of the post had the best results for me. 3 sharesShare3Share +10Tweet0 Optimize & Check for Social Display Something that is often overlooked is checking how your content displays when shared on social media sites. We use an IFTTT network around all of our main sites and blogs to help syndicate and share the content in an automated fashion. (More information on IFTTT networks). IFTTT Network Not only does this help share and syndicate new content but it also means that we can easily check how that content is being displayed on most of the major social media sites and make any adjustments to the original contents formatting to improve that. Content that is shared and that displays poorly on a social media site is more likely to discourage visits back to your site than to encourage and also may put off the original readers from further sharing. Schema Markup & Meta Data You can use a combination of meta data and schema markup to control the display in many of the major social media sites and there are many plug-ins for WordPress that can help you achieve this. We personally use the Project Supremacy plug-in to help us optimise posts and control the schema markup. (More information on Project Supremacy plug-in). Another area that you need to consider are the images and videos within your post. A lot of social media sites will have restrictions on sizing and the same image can be displayed at different dimensions. You can do some research on how the social media sites handle the different media types, but again there is no substitution for you testing this aspect yourself and checking displays on different sites. 3 sharesShare3Share +10Tweet0 Putting It All Together So roll up your sleeves and let’s get started. First of all, research your topic to find out what you should be writing about and what people like to share. A great place to start this is BuzzSumo. Here you can find not only the popular topics within your niche at this time, but it will also show you the content that is being shared on social media. This is a great tool for anybody wanting to take content marketing seriously and well worth the small investment. (More information on BuzzSumo). So now you know what you will be writing about and you will also know the style of writing that is being shared at the moment. Now you need to create amazing content that will answer the questions that your audience needs answered and add your own tips, experiences and insights to add real value. Once you’ve done that now look at the formatting, layout and presentation. Shorter paragraphs and sentences tend to make longer articles easier to read. Using lists and bullet points where it makes sense will break up the content, as not everybody will be reading every word that you have posted. Online, it is pretty common for a large number of visitors to a site to skim through longer articles. By breaking the article up, the skimmers will take note of information provided in listings, bullet points or subheadings far easier than the main body of written text. Thoughtful positioning of images and videos will also help break up a large article into more manageable chunks. Positioning a relevant and entertaining video at the end of the post, from experience tends to get some playtime which helps enormously with time on site and bounce rate statistics.Both important factors in improving page ranking.null Don’t forget to make it easy for people to share the content, testing where to display share buttons to find out what works best for you. Let me have your feedback on the above. Are you happy with how your content is being shared? Have you found ways that work for you to improve the share rate? Oh and of course, don’t forget to hit the share button below! 3 sharesShare3Share +10Tweet0 #articlespinning #ArticleSpinningWebsite #articlewriting #articlewritingandspinning #BusinessMarketingConsultant #contentmanagementsystem #contentmarketing #ContentSpinner #Digitalmedia #Digitaltechnology #eventpressrelease #FacebookMarketing #HighQualitySpinners #manualarticlespinning #MarketingConsultant #mediatypes #Newmedia #OnlineMarketingConsultant #PressRelease #pressreleasedistribution #PressReleaseSubmission #QualitySpinners #SEO #SEOExpert #sitecontent #socialmedia #SocialMediaMarketing #socialmediasite #socialmediasites #spunarticles #spuncontent #SuperSpunArticles #UltraSpinners #Web2.0 #WebDesign #websitecontent #WebsiteDesign #ContentMarketing

4 Simple Hacks to Bring Dead Pages Back to Life With Massive SEO Gains

4 Simple Hacks to Bring Dead Pages Back to Life With Massive SEO Gains Ultra Spinners new & views. Another on-line video shared by Neil Patel. Quite possibly 1 of the most helpful creators of online videos  on the Internet. 4 Simple Hacks to Bring Dead Pages Back to Life With Massive SEO Gains | You put in all this time into writing content on your website. Sometimes, it gets a lot of traffic. Other times, it doesn’t. A lot of times you get traffic and then all of a sudden, a month, two months later, six months later, a year later, it stops getting traffic altogether. That sucks, because why would you want to keep writing content that no one reads in the long run? Today, I’m going to teach you four simple hacks to bring dead pages back to life with massive SEO gains. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________ Google Analytics – Ubersuggest – Screaming Frog – Google Search Console – ____________________________________________ The first step I have for you is to make a list of all your posts. I want you to log in to Google Analytics, click on behavior, then click on overview, click view full report. Then I want you to click export and choose your preferred file format. This will give you a list of all your pages and posts. This is great, because the next step, step two, I want you to pick the post that you want to optimize. Posts with good conversion rates, posts with good time on page, posts with good bounce rates. You’ll find that a lot of times, these pages aren’t the most popular. You’re not getting the most traffic. That’s okay. You want the pages that are getting the most sales, the most leads, the most revenue, because if you take them and then you go and adjust them, and make it better, which I’ll show you how to do, at least you’ll be getting traffic that converts into sales. The last thing you want to do is just take random pages, get them more traffic, and then find out your sales, your leads, your conversions, all stay the same. This brings me to step three. I want you to use one of the hacks I’m going to teach you, or a combination of them. Here are the hacks I want you to use. Hack one, leverage powerful internal linking opportunities. Right? You can go and see all right, what are your top pages? You can either do that through the Google report that you just exported, or you can use Ubersuggest, put in your URL, check out the pages that are getting the most traffic, the ones that are the most popular. Consider taking those pages and linking them from those pages to the pages that you want to optimize and rank higher. because the more you link to the pages that have the best conversions, the chances are, they’ll increase in rankings over time. And pages that are already loved by Google, if those pages are linking to the pages that have high conversion rates and low traffic, eventually you’re passing more juice to those pages which helps them push up. Hack number two, combining content pieces that are around similar topics. Check which of your articles are on very similar topics or duplicates. You can go into Google Search Console and see if they’re ranking for similar terms. If they are, start combining these, take the URLs, pick the most popular version, put it all on there, take the least popular version, 301 that non-popular version to the most popular one, and that’ll combine the content, put more emphasis, more juice, into one URL and that’ll help you increase in your ranking. The reason being, if you have two articles on the same topic, how does Google know which ones to rank? Well doing this will help solve that problem. This is why Wikipedia does so well. They just keep having one page on a specific topic, and then they keep expanding it versus having 10 pages on the same topic. You’ll also want to update your internal links using Screaming Frog. Hack number three, consolidate cannibalizing content with redirects. So, find pages that aren’t getting traffic, and then find pages that are on similar topics, even if they’re not on the same keyword, and start combining them. When you do this, what you’re doing is getting rid of junk pages that Google doesn’t want to rank. This will take your authority and push it into the pages that matter, versus spreading out your site authority into all these thousands of pages where most of them aren’t ranking. ► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ ►Subscribe: to learn more secret SEO tips. ►Find me on Facebook: ►On Instagram: #SEO #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing Originally seen here Neil Patel’s YouTube channel Hope you valued the info that they provided. Leave me your views below, share a short comment and let us know what subjects you want us to cover in future blog posts. #// #ContentMarketing

4 Common Link Building Myths Explained

4 Common Link Building Myths Explained Brand spanking new post freshly shared by The Hoth. Most likely among the most helpful sources of information on the Internet. There are a lot of link building myths and misconceptions floating around and today we want to clear up some common confusion! When you understand these common myths, you’ll have a ton more success in any link building you do. Just imagine: With the right link building strategy, your website will climb up the results to page 1. Let’s get into it! Myth #1: “I’ll build a few links and see how it goes.” Going too slow with link building is a common problem. The real issue isn’t necessarily the slow nature of building links, but with the misalignment of how many links it’s actually going to take to rank on page one.     You need to figure out the realistic number of backlinks by analyzing how many links your competitors have that are ranking on page 1. We use ahrefs for competitor research on this. Let’s take a look at an example: Say you want to rank for “ketogenic coffee” – a keyword that gets about 500 searches a month with a CPC of ~$0.80. Looking at ahrefs, the top ranking results for this keyword have between 76 – 182 backlinks. Since Google is ranking content with this range of links, you’ll most likely need to fall somewhere around this range as well when trying to rank for this keyword. Here’s some scary math: If the average number of backlinks was 100, and you did 1 link/month, you would need 100 months, or over 8 years to rank your content for that keyword. Even if it was a lower number of links, like 12, that means it would take a full year for you to reach that number at 1 link per month. You can get a better picture of how many backlinks on average you’d need to rank by looking at how many links the results on page 1 of Google have. This allows you to set some real goals to follow through on. If you want to rank in 3 months: divide the average number of links for results on page 1 by 3 to get a more realistic view of how many links it would take and how much it might cost. When it comes to getting the “right” number of links to your site, looking at your competition’s stats is one of the best ways to get a ballpark figure to shoot for! Side note – as you get up to the top, your position depends on more factors than links alone. If your rankings aren’t improving try these things. Myth #2 “If I build links too fast I’ll get penalized” The prospect of building links too fast and getting penalized by Google is another common concern. However getting a large quantity of links is something that happens regularly online, and it’s not necessarily bad: Content that goes viral naturally attracts links quickly. For example, authoritative content that answers a question such as “What is the Met Gala?” naturally attracts a lot of links very quickly because it’s so useful, and in this case timely. This particular article got almost 200 referring domains in just 7 days. As a result of its great performance in such a short period, it ranks #1 for organic search for the phrase “What is the Met Gala”: This article has also amassed more than an estimated 6.3k in organic traffic: This is a common scenario for news content, authority pieces, or viral articles – They attract lots of links very quickly, and not only do they NOT get penalized, they actually rank really well. Other content such as research pieces also generate lots of links because they serve as references for other content to link back to. This research article got nearly 150 referring domains and 700 backlinks in the first week. As a result, it’s ranking on page 1 of the SERPs for multiple terms: Having fast link velocity isn’t necessarily bad, and in these cases, attracting lots of quality links quickly resulted in some great rankings. Myth #3 “If a link comes from a site that’s not exactly my niche I’ll get penalized.” There are a lot of misconceptions out there regarding link relevancy. The biggest misconception here is that any link that points to you MUST be from a domain that matches your industry or niche market. For example, if you are a “swimming pool store,” you should only get links from “swimming pool stores” or very closely related websites. Now, it’s not that you shouldn’t get relevant links, but good link building is more about context. Let’s look at an example: The Ketogenic Diet is all the rage these days – The term “ketogenic diet” get 293K searches per month with a ~$1.00 CPC. This is a very popular and competitive term. Now looking at the results this website ( is ranking #1. Looking at this site’s backlink profile, you’d think that all of the referring links should also be related to the keto diet, right? A closer look at some the sites referring to this one reveals some unexpected, non-keto niches linking to it: As you can see, the top backlinks for this #1 ranking result are pretty diversified. It’s very common to have a diverse set of websites linking to you, but the most important thing to look for is the context of the link. Myth #4 “I need exact match anchors in every link.” Anchor text makes up a clickable hyperlink [e.g. The HOTH]. Just as you need a diversity of backlink topics, you also want to shoot for a diverse set of anchor text on those sites. In fact, Google attempted to curb the practice of too many exact match anchors with the Penguin update, but we still see this as a common issue with anchor text over-optimization. The approach to take for establishing anchor text is to look at the % of each type of anchor text in the top ranking content you are trying to rank for. You can assume that Google will respond well to those proportions for your backlinks if the topic is similar. To simplify the concept, you can think about anchor text as 3 major categories: Exact match anchors – This is a link that has one of your key phrases in it (e.g. “gluten-free flour”). Keyphrases mixed into anchors – These are anchors with your key phrase + words that are not part of the key phrase (e.g. “gluten-free flour from Bob’s Red Mill”) Brand, natural and URL anchors – These have no reference to your key phrase unless the key phrase is part of your brand (e.g. “Bob’s Red Mill”) The % of each category shifts according to Google’s algorithm, but you can find some good general guidelines for how to vary your anchor text in this article. Looking back at our ketogenic diet example, we see that there is actually a lot of variation in the anchor text: About 50% of the anchors are closely related to the website or the topic. Going down the list though, there are a lot more non-matching anchors pointing to this page: Mimicking the backlink profile of your competition is what we call the “sniper approach” to anchor text. Instead of guessing, take a look at the backlinks for the websites Google is ranking on page 1 for your keyword, and look at the proportion of different anchor text categories pointing to them. You can line up your backlink profile with other top-ranked backlink profiles. If you do, you’ll be able to build links rapidly and it will still look natural. Ready to Rank Fast? I hope that now you have a much more realistic view of building links. By taking a more objective and realistic approach to link building, you’ll be able to make an action plan that WILL meet your ranking goals. Remember: You can find out exactly what you need to do in order to rank by taking the approach in this article. We’ve cleared up the confusion surrounding these link building myths, but there are a lot more myths out there! Feel free to leave a comment below with any other link building myths you might have heard so that we can keep reality in check. Hope you found that useful information that they shared. You will discover matching blogposts on our main website: Leave me your reaction just below, write a short comment and let me know what things you would like us to cover in upcoming posts. #sitecontent #ContentMarketing

The Ultimate SEO Strategy Template For Getting More Website Traffic

The Ultimate SEO Strategy Template For Getting More Website Traffic - One more blog post posted courtesy of The Hoth. Possibly one of the most knowledgeable providers of tips available. Do you have an SEO strategy for this year? I want to make sure you have THE BEST info available on what is currently working in the world of SEO. I’m compacting down all our experience watching thousands of orders, sites, and case studies into this post. The SEO strategy laid out here has generated millions of dollars online. Don’t have time to read the entire guide right now? Let us send you the downloadable version so you can read it when it’s more convenient for you. Download Guide Now! Before we begin, I want to provide you with some context so that you can create a full-fledged strategy. I see a lot of people just randomly throwing links at a site and wondering why it doesn’t work. By crafting a sound strategy and taking a holistic approach to SEO, you’ll not only get more traffic, but you’ll also get more leads and sales. Let’s get right into it… How To Rank in Google NOW: Search Engine Ranking Factors   The SEO industry is a little bit crazy. I’ve heard a million times from SEO experts that the industry is hard to keep up with because it changes SO rapidly – And to some extent, it does. There are lots of Google Updates every year (we document them all). But what is REALLY driving rankings in organic search today is largely the same as it has been for the last 10+ years: Links and Content. Check out this study done by ahrefs that shows the correlating factors of high search engine rankings: It’s obvious that LINKS are STILL the #1 driving factor behind rankings. So for all the talk about how SEO is changing, turns out the basics are still where it’s at. And we have the DATA to prove it – We don’t rely on theory here, we look at what’s really going on in the search results. With that said, we want to prepare for the future: In the last few years, we’ve seen Google put a big focus on trying to understand content, search intent, and topics. With their algorithm Hummingbird, they tried to understand the connection between entities, topics, subtopics, and synonyms. The goal of Google is to match a user query to an answer. So if Google can rate a document based on the likelihood that it will answer the user query, then they have a new way of ranking documents. This is why there is now not just a focus on the “voting mechanism” (links) but also on the actual content on the page. Search Intent Search engines are getting smarter. They are not looking at searches on a keyword by keyword basis, they are looking at the intent behind the search and understanding that some searches have the same intent. That’s why you no longer need to build out different pages for each keyword, but focus on building pages based on topics. For instance, old school search engine optimization used to build out pages for each keyword: guest post service, guest packages, guest blog post packages, etc. Now Google understands those are all the same thing, so you can just create 1 page and you’ll rank for a ton of the variations, just like we do: That’s why pages with longer content tend to rank better – There is a greater chance that the page will fully explain the answer to the user query: Overall, the best way to rank in Google now is to become an authority in your niche. When you do this, Google will “unlock the floodgates” of traffic to you. So what is an authority in Google’s eyes? You need what we call the “Authority Trinity”: Topical Depth Build long articles that fully answers any of the questions a user would have about that subject. Topical Breadth Build out lots of articles on your website answers to all the types of questions your customers have. Authority Links: Links are still the biggest ranking factor, but quality is much more important than it used to be. SEO is a long-term play, so we recommend focusing on getting quality links to your site. By combining these 3 things, you will see massive increases in your traffic, just like we do with HOTH X. Search Engine Optimization Advice: What Most People Need To Hear To Achieve SEO Success In the past, old school SEO was really focused on 2 things: Keywords and Ranking “If I rank #1 for my product keywords, then I win. If I don’t, then I lose.” This is a really short-sighted view of SEO and it’s not how SEO really works today. Having this old-school mindset will just set you up for failure. If links are the biggest ranking factor, it’s going to be hard to have success because NO ONE wants to link to your product pages. It’s going to be difficult to get link equity to your site if you don’t have anything cool to link to. The better way to do it is new school SEO: New school SEO is more about traffic (instead of rankings), and topics (instead of keywords). It takes into consideration the customer journey – meaning that while it’s great to rank your product pages for the end-buyer cycle keywords, the MAJORITY of the traffic is actually mid or beginner cycle keywords; Keywords that people are searching for before they are ready to buy (basically, the questions that your customers ask you every day). Don’t have time to read the entire guide right now? Let us send you the downloadable version so you can read it when it’s more convenient for you. Download Guide Now! So when you build out that quality content, you capture way more traffic, you position yourself as an authority to build a relationship of trust with your audience, so that you can MAKE MORE MONEY! That’s exactly what this plan is set out to do, and if you follow it, you will see massive gains in targeted traffic, leads, AND sales. OK, so enough with the context behind it, what are the actionable steps / SEO plan to get more traffic from Google? Here’s how to do it: Before Your SEO Campaign Starts: We like to start with a quick audit on your site to see if there are any underlying issues. You wouldn’t want to build your castle on sand. If your website has dropped in the past, check and see if you have any penalties via Webmaster Tools, analytics (sudden drops in traffic), etc. One cool tool we use is this Google penalty checker which will match up an SEMRush graph of your traffic to all the major Google updates. You can easily see if there have been major drops in traffic at the same time as an update came out which can signal what you may need to fix. Some penalties are harder to recover from than others. Do NOT spend a long time trying to recover a doomed site as some just won’t recover no matter what you do. Check the Ultimate Guide To Google History, compare your dates and check out our case studies on penalty recovery for Penguin or Panda. Follow the instructions, start a new site in the meantime, or both. Now with that said, here’s the battle plan to get started: 1. Define Your Target Audience: Who Do You Want To Attract? Before any marketing campaign, you have to define your target audience. You probably have some good customers that give you tons of money, don’t ask for much, and they are generally easy to deal with. There are other customers that are a royal pain in the ass and ask for a million things, they are cheapskates and generally, make life hell. You can sell to both of them, but do you want to? Probably not. I bet you would take 1 good customer over 10 bad customers. So defining who you actually want to target is going to help determine what keywords you even want to rank for, what kind of content you want to create. Understanding your audience will help you generate tons of ideas of what to rank for. Listen to your customers, listen to your market. When we build out content, we think about what prevents our customers from buying our services and we attacked it from every angle. For example: Customers come to us and they say, “I’m not ready to buy yet, I want to make an SEO strategy” – So BOOM, we wrote this article that says “Here’s the SEO strategy you should follow!” Then they say, “OK I got the strategy, but I don’t know what keywords to target?” BOOM – another article on “How To Do Easy Keyword Research” Then they say, “OK but how can I stay safe if I’m building links?” BOOM – another article, How To Stay Safe in SEO. This goes on and on, and we just keep answering their questions. By doing this, we create authority and trust, so when they are ready to buy, we already have a relationship with them. By understanding your target market, you can answer their questions and help them solve their problems – Which in turn makes you more money. Once you understand who you’re going to target, then it’s time to find some keywords to target! 2. Keyword Research: How To Find Hundreds Of Awesome Keywords Keyword research doesn’t have to be hard – It’s actually really easy! You can divide keywords into 2 groups: Keywords that you’re already targeting Keywords that you’re not already targeting. Take Advantage Of “Easy Wins” Keywords For Quick Gains! To get easy wins in SEO, you can use keyword research tools like our own to find keywords with good search volume that you’re ranking for on spot 4 or below (including page 2 of Google). Google already sees you as relevant for these terms, you just don’t rank in the top 3 for them. By optimizing these pages and sending more links to them, you can increase your ranking a lot faster than a totally new keyword. Use our tool to identify which keywords your ranking for and target those as easy wins first. Find All Your Competitors Keywords With a Content Gap Analysis Then, you need to find out keywords you’re NOT targeting yet, and you can do that by something called a competitive gap analysis. Basically, you want to go out and find all your competitor’s websites. You can use both direct competitors (competitors that sell the exact same products as you) as well as indirect competitors (other businesses in your industry that don’t sell the same products but have the same audience). Once you have a list of all these competitors, make a list of all the keywords THEY rank for and then exclude the ones that you rank for. Now you’ll have a HUGE list of keywords to target and build out quality content (like blog posts)! You’ll want to apply some filters to those, like excluding very high difficulty keywords (unless you have a very powerful domain), making sure they have good search volume, and putting the CPC >$1 to exclude useless keywords. Kabam, now you have very valuable keywords that are worth targeting! Now you need to either optimize your current content for those keywords, or build new content! Don’t be afraid of using long tail keywords – These often have greater intent and convert higher! 3. OnPage SEO Optimization Next, you’ll need to actually create the content content and make sure your web pages are optimized. Optimize your meta tags: Title Tags, Meta Descriptions, URL, Header tags, Images and more. Check out our guide on onpage optimization. The focus here should be about building out in-depth content (that’s what Google likes to see) that answers users questions. Focus on creating long content of 1000+ words. You should have a huge list of keywords from your earlier keyword research. Build out content focused on those keywords and add internal links to that content. User Experience Signals You’ll also want to make sure that your page is easy to navigate and get the user what they are looking for. Take a look at what is ranking and try to model that in terms of content, design, etc. If users are landing on your page and immediately bouncing back to the SERPs, that’s a negative user experience signal. You want to make sure people are staying on your pages and continuing on your site. Content Marketing Strategy When you build content that helps your target customer with their problems and questions, it’s essentially attracting them to you. This is called inbound marketing, and it will get more leads into your funnel. You can learn how that works in this blog post called “The New Way To Get More Leads & Sales“. As a side note, you can also promote this content through channels outside of SEO like email, social media, content syndication, paid ads etc. After you have built out the content, then you need links to drive the rankings. Don’t have time to read the entire guide right now? Let us send you the downloadable version so you can read it when it’s more convenient for you. Download Guide Now! Optimized Product Descriptions If you have an E-Commerce site or an online store, it’s essential to have optimized product descriptions in order to rank and bring traffic to your site. You can learn more about optimizing your online store in this blog post titled “Shopify SEO: 5 Killer Ways To Optimize Your Store To Get More Traffic!“. You can also get done-for-you E-Commerce product descriptions with HOTH E-CommercePD. This helps separate you from your competitors with fully optimized, unique product descriptions for any/every product that’s listed in your online store. 4. Link Building Strategy Link building sometimes gets a bad rap, but if you look at the data, it’s really what is driving rankings. One of the most obvious problems that most sites have is underestimating the number of links they need to rank. On top of that, many sites can get penalized for over-optimizing their anchor text and creating an unnatural profile. So when you start on your first link building campaign, this is the plan we suggest: 1) Start with Branding / Diversity: Since the biggest issue is that sites get hit with over-optimization, we want to start by giving your site tons of diversity. Use only natural anchor text (, or just your brand name as the keyword, etc) and no exact match or commercial anchors. Build up your social properties like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or any that apply to your niche. When you build social profiles, this shows that you are a real brand and you’ll be receiving both inbound links and social signals at the same time! If you’d like help registering profiles, we can do it for you with social media profile registration service. When you create content on your site, post it to those social properties to keep natural links flowing and your social accounts active. 2) Get In-Content Diversity Links: Get other diversified properties with in-content links. You can build out web 2.0 type properties for this and use a mix of brand, natural, and low competitions keywords / long tail variations. 3) Move on to High Power Links: After you’ve built a substantial base, start adding in quality high-powered links with close or exact match anchors. Never repeat the same anchor twice, just switch it up to something slightly different each time. A great way to get these is to do guest posts on authority blogs. Here’s a great guest posting strategy. Sometimes we see sites that have a decent amount of links, but still aren’t ranking. A lot of times that’s because they don’t have the QUALITY of links they need to be trustworthy – They haven’t built a lot of high trust links. If this is the case, you’ll want to focus on getting in-content links from high trust publications. Continue to add these types of links month after month while changing your anchors each time with different long tails / variations. You’ll also want to avoid these 2 big mistakes we see: 1) Anchor Text Ratios: The biggest problem we keep seeing is people still over-optimizing anchor text. Stop worrying about anchor text ratios and just go all out on brand signals, naked URLs, etc. Get a ton of natural links and only use a handful of exact match anchors. I’m talking 95%+ brand / naked and

Personalized Palettes, a Content Exercise, and The Witches Lesson

Personalized Palettes, a Content Exercise, and The Witches Lesson - Tutorials & tips about Content and Video Marketing. Personalized Palettes, a Content Exercise, and The Witches Lesson Content Marketing World is part of the Informa Connect Division of Informa PLC This site is operated by a business or businesses owned by Informa PLC and all copyright resides with them. Informa PLC’s registered office is 5 Howick Place, London SW1P 1WG. Registered in England and Wales. Number 3099067. This site uses cookies to provide you with the best user experience possible. By using Content Marketing Institute, you accept our use of cookies. I agree The above article “Personalized Palettes, a Content Exercise, and The Witches Lesson” was 1st published here. We hope that you found the article above of help and of interest. You can find similar content on our main site: Please let me have your feedback below in the comments section. Let us know what topics we should write about for you in the future.

How to Get 4 Million Visits Per Month With One Simple Keyword Hack

How to Get 4 Million Visits Per Month With One Simple Keyword Hack Best Content Spinner tutorials & tips. The latest video recording produced by Neil Patel. Almost definitely 1 of the most effective generators of information  on-line. How To get 4 Million Visits Per Month With One Simple Keyword Hack // Can you guess how many visits I’m getting a month? 4 million of those four million two million are unique. But you already know that. But what you don’t know is, I get the majority of that traffic from one simple hack that no one’s doing. And best of all it’s easy. You don’t even have to be an SEO to figure this out. So, here’s a little secret, instead of trying to find new keyword opportunities to rank for, all I do is find whatever keywords already ranked for even if they’re small, and find other long tail variations of that same as that keyword, and generate more traffic by going after that term as well. Here is what I mean: If you already rank for the term dog food, and you’re getting a lot of traffic for it, Google will easily rank you for all the other long tail variations for dog food. The reason being, is it’s harder to rank for the head term than it is to rank for the long tail variation. And even if the majority of your traffic comes from a long tail term like how to become rich. There’s still a lot of other long tail variations even of that word. Such as, how to become rich on the internet. How to become rich through social media. So what I want you to do, Step 1. Head over to Ubersuggest, type in your domain. When you type in your domain, it’ll show you something called Top Pages. These will show you all the pages that are driving your traffic, and the keywords that are driving your rankings. The next step, I want you to take is now go login to Google Search Console. Again, it’ll show you all the terms that you’re already ranking for. After you do that, the next step that you need to take is head back over to Ubersuggest and type in those exact phrases that you ranked for. Ubersuggest will show you Keywords Ideas report that shows you all the long tail variations of that term. You’ll find that, if you rank for the head term, there’s a ton of other long tail terms that make up a lot of traffic. Maybe not the same amount, but they may make up one-tenth of traffic, one-twentieth of traffic, even one-fifth of traffic. But if you combine all of those terms eventually it’ll add up to a ton of traffic. More than even the head term. The next thing you need to do, take those terms. Go back to the page that’s already ranking for the head term and adjust your content. Include all those terms. Re-write the content. Make sure you’re providing value. You’re going so above and beyond people like, “Oh, my God! This is the best page ever for dog food! It shows me how to feed my dog. Shows me what kind of food to pick for them. How to pick food if they’re gaining too much weight or they’re losing too much weight. How to make them more fit and muscular. It breaks everything down.” So that way no one else needs to read any other article on dog food. What you’ll find is, after you do that, within 30 days, you’ll notice that, that page will rank higher in Google for all the long tail variations. Because once you rank for the main head term, it’s super easy to rank for all the long tail variations. Because the head term is the hardest one to rank for. Google naturally just pop you for all of the other ones within 30 days. That’s the simple hack that I took to every single one of my pages on Now, I have over 2,000 articles. That’s right over 2,000 blog posts. I’ve done on every single one. That’s why I have over four million visits a month. And that’s what you need to do to drastically grow your traffic. ► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ ►Subscribe: to learn more secret SEO tips. ►Find me on Facebook: #SEO #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing First published on this site Neil Patel’s YouTube channel Trust you enjoyed that information that they shared. Let me have your reaction down below, leave a quick comment and let us know what subjects you want covered in future articles. #// #ContentMarketing

Thursday, November 12, 2020

7 Content Experts Share What Matters Most in 2021

7 Content Experts Share What Matters Most in 2021 Tutorials & tips about Video and Content Marketing. 7 Content Experts Share What Matters Most in 2021 Content Marketing World is part of the Informa Connect Division of Informa PLC This site is operated by a business or businesses owned by Informa PLC and all copyright resides with them. Informa PLC’s registered office is 5 Howick Place, London SW1P 1WG. Registered in England and Wales. Number 3099067. This site uses cookies to provide you with the best user experience possible. By using Content Marketing Institute, you accept our use of cookies. I agree The above article “7 Content Experts Share What Matters Most in 2021” was published on this site. We trust you found the post above of help or of interest. Similar content can be found on our main site: Please let me have your feedback in the comments section below. Let us know which topics we should cover for you in the future. #SEO